We arrived in Quito from Puerto Montt and explored the city for a few days. This is at a nice café overlooking the city.
marine iguana
February 22nd - March 1st (Galápagos Islands)
The most amazing place on earth! (that we've seen!!) We spent 7 nights on a boat in paradise traveling from island to island looking at all these crazy creatures! We got to swim and snorkel everyday too and saw tons of crazy marine life including a white tip shark and a huge manta ray!! Definitely the trip of a lifetime!!
Here we stand at the middle of the earth! (actually this isn't the real equator. 12 years ago they discovered they were 240 meters off, but not bad for 18th century measurements)
Tomorrow we leave for 4 days in the Ecuadorian Amazon! Can't wait for some jungle action!
haha you said boobie
Your pictures look awesome Foil!! Can't wait to see you guys soon! Be safe in the Amazon!
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