Llamas and a cute native girl on the streets of Cuzco
March 10th-13th (the Inca Trail)
We set out on our 4 day/3 night trek on the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. We lucked out with the weather with only evening rain until our last day....rain and clouds at Machu Picchu! It was a great trek and still an amazing sight to see even in the rain.
March 14th (Cuzco, Peru to Santiago, Chile)
Today we head back down south to Santiago for our last 9 days!! We are spending some time in the coastal town of Valparaiso and then heading to Mendoza, Argentina to spend our last few days of vacation in wine country!!
Goddam you guys make us want to be Foils. We can't wait to see you and hear all your stories, and drink Chilean wine. Enjoy the rest of your trip, and WE MISS YOU!
Trista, Chris, and Hannah Rain
Monkeys are sooo cute. If I can't have a vacation, I'm glad you can have one for me. Right now, I am imagining you with a nice glass of wine,,,sitting in a garden. Can't wait to see you guys and hear about your adventures.
Mom, Patrick, Stanley, Daphne, and chicks
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