Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Torres del Paine (Towers of Paine) - Patagonia

January 30th-February 2nd (Torres del Paine - Patagonia)
We completed our 5 days of trekking through beautiful Patagonia! It was amazing! We hiked the "W" Circuit which took us along a great route through the National Park for 4 nights and 5 days. We were lucky enough to stay at refugios along the way which provided bunk beds and dinner so we got to "backpack" without carrying any camping gear. Not a bad gig! We had a lot of fun. We completely lucked out with the weather and only had one day of really crazy wind and only small sprinkles of rain a couple of times which we are told is totally rare for Patagonia. The pictures say it all!

February 4th (Puerto Natales, Chile)
We are in Puerto Natales for one more night and then catch the Navimag ferry to Puerto Montt. We'll be on the boat for 3 days and 4 nights and go up through the Chilean fjords. Should be an interesting ride!


Tam Tam said...

Incredible photos! Ha, Mom was worried about you guys getting robbed or kidnapped...but after seeing that ferry, she has a whole new set of worries!

jess said...

Patagonia looks beautiful! That ferry on the other hand.....hope you guys packed your life vests:) Can't wait for your next installment!

Bob B said...

Jon and Ashley:
Great pictures!! You must be having a great time. One word of advice for the Ferry....
Sleep on Deck!!!!


JC said...

after seeing those pixs of patagonia, i'm convinced that you guys are the masters of where is that scenic and beautiful without the help of adobe!

glad to hear that you're having a blast. take care, jc.