Thursday, January 29, 2009

Buenos Aires to Punta Arenas

January 23rd (Buenos Aires)
Walked around Buenos Aires and stopped in front of Casa Rosada, the Presidential Palace, for a pose. Had a great time walking all over BA. We were constantly on the lookout for the next parilla (steakhouse) and managed to spoil ourselves at two awesome places for good steak and wine.

January 23rd (Buenos Aires)
Jon is about to indulge in this enormous serving of steak and 13 sides. We managed to select an excellent malbec to enjoy with our meat. YUM!

January 27th (Punta Arenas, Chile)
We flew from Buenos Aires to Punta Arenas. Check it out on a map! It´s down at the very southern tip of Chile on the Straight of Magellan. This town of 125, 000 is a big stopover town for folks going up to Torres del Paine (Patagonia).

January 28th (Isla Magdalena, Chile)

Penguins, Penguins, and more Penguins!!!! We took a boat ride to this little island in the Straight of Magellan to see a penguin colony! We couldn´t get enough of the little guys. Los pingüinos son muy guapos! We had so much fun walking around the penguins. They are hilarious. Note the penguin in the 2nd photo decided to poo right when Jon took the photo.

January 28th (Isla Marta, Chile)
The boat cruised past this little island where a group of sea lions call home. We couldn´t believe the size of some of them. They truly looked like lions with manes. They could give the sea lions at Pier 39 in San Francisco a run for their money. Lots of pups too!!

January 29th (Puerto Natales, Chile)
We took a 3 hour bus ride from Punta Arenas north to Puerto Natales. Tomorrow, we head into Torres del Paine National Park and begin our 4 days of trekking through beautiful Patagonia!


Tam Tam said...

13 sides? Don't they know you're American, dammit?! You need at least 15 sides. Looks the penguin pics. Did they stink like they do at the zoo?

Tam Tam said...

Hey Jon and Ash,
I have been following your itineray, and looking at all the neat places you are staying. Sooo cool. Did you have a flashight and make the penguins follow the light? They are too cute. Patgonia, I love the clothes they make there.
Have some wine for me...
Love momma

Bob B said...

Jon and Ashley:
You guys are having way too much fun. 13 sides AND steak?? Can't wait to see some pictures of Patagonia.

Ashley, Did you sing "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" in front of the palace?? Would have made Madonna proud.

Enjoy and take my advice: "Pace Yourselves"

Uncle Bob

sig said...

13 sides and no creamy spinach, what kinda crazy country are you in? and thank gawd the penguin didnt unleash the thunder on your shoe

Taylor said...

Love the pics. Its so fun to follow along. BTW, what are we suppose to do with your rent check?

clarawater said...

_Hi Guys! I'm loving on the updates and continue to live vicariously through you two. I hope your time in Patagonia is amazing.

Chad and I did a little wine tasting without you this weekend. It just wasn't the same.

Don't forget to miss us lots when you are wine tasting in Mendoza!

Chad and Clara

Unknown said...

Hannah loved the pics of the penguins! I was impressed that you managed to find a "Claim Jumper" style meal so far away-nice work!